This month I wantd to share some facts and tips from the September 2012 issue of Fitness. This magazine has really stepped it up lately with some fresh work out ideas and good articles.
- New research revealed that commutes of 15 miles or more are linked to lower fitness levels and wider waislines, and that at just more than 10 miles, blood pressure levels are higher. Stress is the likely cause, so practice deep breathing, use a green-apple or cucumber scented air freshener, and make sure to get plenty of stress-busting exercise to combat this effect.
- A 5% weight loss may cut an overweight women’s breast cancer risk by 50 percent or more!
- Only about a quarter of pregnant women exercise enough, a new study found. Moms to be should move for at least 30 minutes on most days during their pregnancy to lessen the risk for postpartum depression and give baby a healthy life, according to Melissa Hague, M.D. Get your doctor’s okay first.
- For every hour that your sleep schedule varies between the weekend and workdays, your risk for being overweight or obese rises about 33 %. Keep your sleep schedule as regular as possible.
- When offered unhealthy food, women who began their refusals with “I don’t” instead of “I can’t”, were more likely to choose the healthier option. They also reported feeling more in control and determined to stick to their goals, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.
- An easy way to eat healthier: fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables. This doesn’t leave much room for the unhealthy stuff.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of these facts and tips.

Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies