COVID-19 is truly a threatening force that’s sowing fear throughout the world. However, as uncertain as things might seem today, you are actually not powerless against the virus and it’s repercussions. In fact, even as you spend more time at home, you can still fight back by taking great pains to keep yourself and your family healthy.
No doubt, the best way to keep your immune system in tip-top shape is through exercise. So as tempting as it might be to stay sedentary while you’re stuck at home, don’t! You and the entire family can easily keep up with your fitness routines at home through the countless resources provided by technology today and good, old-fashioned family fun.
- Recognize the research-backed importance of regular exercise during the pandemic for kids and adults alike.
- A nutritious diet and rest days can complement your fitness routine.
- Encourage the entire family to move and stay active.
- Stream online home workouts for kids who are missing physical education.
- Maintain an at-home yoga practice with the best platforms and apps available.
- Build a home gym with equipment for the entire family.
- Invest in active toys to keep your kids moving.
- Establishing a morning routine can keep your family calm and less stressed.
- Motivate yourself to workout by dressing the part.
- Choose fun activities that will have the entire family working up a sweat, even indoors.
- Fit to You offers in-home personal training tailored to your needs.
Ultimately, it will serve your family in so many great ways to have exercise as a part of your pandemic routine and maybe even beyond. As a bonus, it keeps your kids engaged in productive ways, too, so that’s a lot less mayhem for you to deal with at home. And the bonding opportunities? Priceless!
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Written by Anya Willis