If you are like me, no matter what your best intentions are before the holidays, the slew of cocktail parties always seems to throw your healthy eating plans out the window. How does one graciously attend 6 parties in one week and still fit into your jeans?! Here are a few of my tips for having fun and enjoying yourself while maintaining your waistline:
1. Don’t arrive hungry. If you are starving by the time you get there, you will have no self control! Try to eat something light but filling. Yogurt, a serving of almonds, or 1/2 a whole grain English muffin with light cheese are all good options.
2. Bring a healthy dish. Ask the host/hostess if you can bring something – others will be grateful that you were thoughtful enough to bring something light and you know that there is at least one healthy choice. Some good ideas include veggies with hummus, boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce, or fresh fruit with yogurt dip.
3. Have a plan of action. Decide ahead of time what you would like to indulge in and then make all of your other choices healthy. If you are like me and you love desert, skip the mini quiches or other things you can live without. Take some time when you arrive at the party to check out all of your choices and then pick one or two high fat items that you simply must have and fill the rest of your plate up with crudites and/or lean protein.
4. Pick low calorie beverages. Limit yourself to no more than 2 – 100 calorie drinks per party. Good choices are dry wine, champagne or light beer. Keep a glass of water or club soda in your hand. Staying hydrated will help keep you from overindulging and keeps your hand busy.
5. Step away from the table. You can’t keep nibbling if the food is not close by. Mingle with your friends – after all, that is what the party is all about!
If you follow these tips throughout the holiday season, losing weight won’t be one of your new year’s resolutions.

Decide how you will spend your calories before you get to the party to avoid over indulging.